Japanese Sushi Recipes INGREDIENTS
1 can lunch meeting meat
3 eggs
1 cucumber
5 c. rice
6 pieces laver (ocean weed)
100 c vinegar
4 tbsp. sugar
Run of soyu sauce
Pkg. Hanakatsuo (bonito)
Japanese Sushi Recipes INSTRUCTIONS:
Cook rice with ocean weed and salt.
Whenever rice is done, add vinegar with sugar and combine as one well.
Cut cucumber in 3 pieces length and in width.
Softly salt and wring out overabundance dampness.
Cut lunch meeting meat into square strips.
Sear or cook all sides.
Throw with soyu sauce and bonito pieces.
Blend eggs in with 4 tablespoons sugar and a smidgen of soyu sauce.
Sear in square little skillet and cut into 6 bits of egg sticks.
Heat one side of lave first. Put this side down on sushi bamboo for rolling.
Spread rice on the layer.
Then top with cucumber, egg, and lunch meat in focus.
Cautiously roll and press edges together. Cut, beginning in the middle and working outward, into 8 pieces, with sharp blade.
The Japanese sushi formula of temaki is prepared to serve..enjoy !